OK, this is big news everyone… I know you are all dying to see Machu Picchu pictures, but this is way more important. We have all been waiting a long time for this day! Lena has finally cut her dreads… Of course we’ve captured the whole two-hour long ordeal in glorious stop motion. It was a pretty rough and tedious job for me, and I think pretty painful for Lena. I tried to be as careful as possible, but honestly, I wanted to be finished as fast as possible! In the end though I was pretty proud of my handsome work- Hopefully Lena is too. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time afterwards to have a fashion photo-shoot, so you will have to wait to see some more detailed photos of the amazing work. Trust me though, it’s very chic.
Please forgive the poor quality and editing of the video, as I have only stone-aged Windoze software to work with… It was a painful job (even more than cutting the dreads).
More Photos:
- Lots of Hair!
- Cutting the first dreads… maybe halfway there.
- Eeek! What is that?
- Very Weird!
- A few Kilos of hair…
- Don’t I look so proud?
07/12/2010 at 12:31 Permalink
ps. wurd ja auch zeit (!)
07/12/2010 at 13:05 Permalink
krasse scheiß!
und wie viele Kilo wiegst du jetzt weniger?
cant wait to see it in real!!
miss you
07/12/2010 at 18:40 Permalink
Okay well. Lena looks cute with her new haircut. However, those dreds detached look like snakes, very ugly snakes. So Lena my question is, will you ever do that again, put dreds in your hair? Loved the video and music!
07/12/2010 at 18:53 Permalink
Oh my god, Hats off to you and your overcoming spirit lena. jason, you apply a high gesture of respect. you did great. I'm flabbergasted :The
keep your dreads! I will have a. A friend has now conjured up four dreads and I need you and your dreads as extension and memory!!!
I wish you the best months! raised!
love greetings
your lia
07/12/2010 at 19:25 Permalink
Hehe, FINALLY getting some comments on this one!
09/12/2010 at 06:54 Permalink
Lena, herzchen,
No words .. no words, only these pictures and the video. Simply crass. completely transformed. It looks great, even if I get the Medusa missing something..