June 26 is the name day of Saint Jean to which the tiny chapel in Mas St. Jean is dedicated. Every year, once a year, on Saint Jean’s day, the chapel is opened up, dusted off, and a mass is held (outside since the congregation has outgrown the chapel’s size) under the great Tilleul tree which stretches over the tiny tiled roof. I’m probably not the most devout Catholic, but I had never seen the inside of the little chapel, and I had a few sins to wash off my hands anyway- so one warm Sunday in the end of June, I headed down the dirt path through the woods to Mas St. Jean to attend my first mass in a few years. This is everything church should be! Warm weather, fresh air, SUNSHINE, friendly greetings, and of course, the obligatory goĆ»ter afterwards…
- Under the old tilleul tree